5 Reasons Publicists Are Signing Up For The Pitching Crash Course

Most of my work with PR firms and publicists happens behind the scenes, but this Monday, February 3rd, I’m bringing it to the forefront. 

I’m inviting all publicists and PR professionals, from the most novice to the most tenured, to come take a look at my tried and true pitching strategies.

You can learn more and join the growing list of publicists who already pre-ordered by clicking the link below.

Crash Course: Crash Course: Landing Media Attention for Your Clients

(Psst... this link has a special discount too!)

But if you are scratching your head thinking…

Why would a publicist need or want to learn about pitching?

I get it. So let me explain a few of the top reasons publicists are signing up for my pitching crash course. 

1. Their pitching skills are a bit rusty 

I know a lot of publicists who are absolute professionals, at the top of their game, and also haven’t sent a pitch in a very long time. 

That’s natural. Strategy and management positions may not require that you roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty every day. 

But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t keep your pitching skills up to date!

Imagine if you were an Instagram master and then took a break from the platform right before they added Stories. That feature totally changed how people use Instagram. Six months later, people were posting all their candid stuff on Stories and the standard for what you put in your feed raised by a lot. If you weren’t on that wave your “mastery” would be wiped out.

Pitching the media is changing with the times just as much as technology, so a lot of seasoned publicists are signing up for the pitching crash course to make sure they’re not missing out on important trends. 

2. It’s their first time sending a pitch

Maybe you are in school or starting your real job in PR. You might be nervous as heck about looking like you know what you’re doing. If you are asking questions like…

  • Who should you be pitching to?

  • What information do you need to include?

  • When should you send your pitch?

  • How do you write a pitch?!

…then you are in the company of another group of publicists who are benefiting from the pitching crash course. 

This group is getting EVERYTHING they need to know to start pitching and getting media attention for their clients.

3. You’re the kind of pro that wants to compare notes

Okay, okay, I get it. You’ve sent out twenty pitches just today and you generally get good results.  Why should you take the pitching crash course?

Well, if you’re like me, you always jump on a chance to compare notes with the other pros. 

In the pitching crash course, I share everything without holding back. It’s a good opportunity to validate what you already know and make sure you are keeping up with the latest trends at the same time. 

4. You’ll learn a lot in about an hour

There’s not a whole lot of downtime in PR. The news never stops so neither do we. 

I know my days are full of staying on top of the media, fielding media requests, finding new opportunities, *sending pitches*, following up on those pitches, writing talking points, training clients for interviews, sending status updates, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. 

So, if you were to ask me to sit down for a week-long or even a day-long course, I would not be very receptive. 

That’s why I have organized, condensed, and made this pitching crash course as concise as possible. You’ll get through it in no time and be better off because of it. 

To make it even better, we’ve designed the course with videos that make it easy to comprehend the first time through and wrote out the information so you can easily grab that one bullet of info anytime you need it.

5. You’re hearing crickets from the media

The last major reason people are inclined to sign up for the pitching crash course is that they need to get better results. 

It is so frustrating to try and try and try to get media attention and not hear anything. Believe me, I’ve been there. 

My advice is: Don’t give up!

Take this course, learn new strategies, compare notes, and get back out there! 

Plus, my pitching crash course includes my strategies for those unfortunate times when your pitch just isn’t sticking. 

PR is not hard. All you need is a good understanding of what the media is looking for (which you can learn in the crash course!) and to keep trying.

Rebekah Epstein