My Totally Non-Restrictive New Year’s Resolutions for 2020

We’re almost done with the first full work week of the new year and hopefully, we’ve all taken steps towards our 2020 goals. 

Look, I’m not a huge fan of New Year’s resolutions. It might have something to do with the fact that most people use New Year’s resolutions to set rules for themselves, like not eating sweets, working out every day, or whatever.  

Rules like this are bound to be broken, so what’s the point?

Instead, I like to use the momentum of the new year to set some goals. I reset my focus on a few specific things and find whatever, non-restrictive way to get there.

Let me give you some examples. 

Goal #1: Build my online business

I’ve been working on my online shop and online course for a while, and I feel like 2020 is the year to really make this grow. I want to have at least a third of my income to come from online courses and downloadables. 

This is something that will help support almost all of my other goals simply because I’ll have more time to do them. 

Goal #2: Only work with clients I’m passionate about

It’s common for new freelancers and business owners to do any project that comes their way just because it means more revenue. But with a decade of experience under my belt, I am in a great position to be a little more picky about who I work with. 

If I can swing goal #1, I should have enough passive enough income to move up a level, going from working with clients I like to working with clients I love.

Goal #3: Figure out my real estate career

In 2019, I achieved my “New Year’s Goal” of getting my real estate license. In 2020, I want to figure out where I’m going with it. 

PR will always be my first career, but it is so exciting to try something new and challenging. By this time next year, I should have a better idea of where this journey will take me!

Goal #4: Find a favorite nonprofit

I used to be very involved with a local nonprofit, but it’s something I feel I have been slacking on lately. 

In 2020, my goal is to find another nonprofit opportunity I feel passionate about and give back to my community. 

Goal #5: Practice more patience

Patience is something I have always struggled with. I have a quick temper and I struggle with waiting for things. I already try to be mindful of this, but it is good to practice more. 

See? Totally Non-Restrictive

None of my 2020 goals require that I do or do not do something, they don’t pin me to a strict schedule, and there’s no specific detail that makes them easy to miss. 

But at the same time, all of them are pushing me forward. 

I understand that more traditional New Year’s resolutions are super helpful for others, but if you’re like me, don’t be afraid to set goals instead of rules!

Rebekah Epstein