Sneak Peek: Lessons to Promote Your Product on Mother’s Day

If you sell a product for women, you already know Mother’s Day is a big opportunity. Everyone is looking to buy mom the perfect gift! You just need to let them know your product is “the one.”

And if you ask me, it’s also a big opportunity to learn how to be your own publicist. Mother’s Day is a great time to pick up a few basic PR skills because the media wants to write about gift ideas, the pitch is simple and direct, and the audience is already in shopping mode.

This combination means you’ll have a minimum amount of work to do and a higher probability for success.

To help you take advantage of Mother’s Day, I have put together a crash course to learn a simple and effective strategy to get media attention for your products.

The course launches on Monday, March 16. You can click the link below to register (totally worth it!).

How to Get Your Products into Mother’s Day Gift Guides

Also – You can get a sneak peek of the content right here!

How Does PR Work?

PR is basically just sending emails.

You need to know how to craft a pitch, when to send it, who to send it to, and a few other bits of etiquette, but you don’t need a 4-year degree to land media attention.

In the course, we’ll go over all the PR fundamentals you need to know to get started.

Which Product Should You Pitch?

I have pitched a lot of products in my 10 years of being a publicist; certain products are way more likely to be featured that others.

One thing you can do is create a product specifically for Mother’s Day. If it’s new or only available for a limited time, it creates a sense of urgency that will improve your chances of being featured.

This is just one strategy for choosing a product to pitch the media, you can learn more in the course!

Who Should You Pitch?

PR firms typically work with expensive data bases of media contacts and compile their own list after years of interacting with the media. This isn’t practical for the average business owner who wants to start PR.

Fortunately, all the information you need can be found with Google and other free resources! You just need to know what to look for and where to look.

In the course, I’ll show you the method I use to find highly targeted media contacts without spending a penny.

What Does a Pitch Look Like?

When you send an email to the media, you can expect that it will sit in a very crowded inbox. Everything from the subject to the signature should be designed to stand out.

One tip I can tell you now is that your pitch needs to be short and concise. If the media contact is busy, they won’t spend time on long emails.

If you want more details, including examples and templates, you’ll have to register for the course!

How to Get Your Products into Mother’s Day Gift Guides will go over all of this and so much more. But just like a pitch, I keep it short and concise so you can learn it all in about an hour. With just a bit of time and a little elbow grease, you’ll be your own publicist landing your products in Mother’s Day gift guides!

And don’t wait! This isn’t something to procrastinate. The media works ahead of time, sometimes even months in advance! Once a media contact decides what they are going to include in their gift guide, the opportunity is gone.

Rebekah Epstein