What to Say to the Media to Boost Your Father’s Day Sales

Father’s Day is around the corner and if you’re looking for a simple way to boost your sales, I recommend telling the media you have a great Father’s Day gift. 

Every year, media outlets round up a handful of their favorite gifts for men and title it a Father’s Day Gift Guide. If your product is featured in a gift guide, your brand will get a lot of exposure, which usually translates to a boost in sales. 

The best part of this strategy is that it’s basically free. All you need to do is send an email to each publication you think will be a fit for your brand and the audience you want to reach. Which brings us to the point of this blog: what exactly are you supposed to put in that email?

Like any other industry, the media has a basic expectation for communication. They know what they’re looking for and if you can meet that, you’re much more likely to stand out and be their pick. Here are three things you should include in your pitch!

1. Mention you have a father’s day gift

There’s no reason to beat around the bush or leave anyone guessing. Just start your email with something like, 

“Hi, I want to let you know about our best Father’s Day gifts this year.”

If the media contact is looking for products, then you are already speaking their language and not wasting anyone’s time.

Look, I know on TV they make publicists out to be these super creative tricksters who can spin a story and manipulate the media. That form of PR definitely exists, but gift guides are nothing like that. It’s so straightforward; you have a product and they want to write about it so just get to the point. 

2. List your products

Again, this is about being super straightforward. 

Rather than telling the media contact to shop on your website or come into your store, give them the information they need right away.

Clearly list a maximum of three of your best products for Father’s Day right in the email. I recommend choosing items that are one-size-fits-all so that it’s easier for the gift giver. Who likes to guess someone’s size, ya know?

These can be formatted as bullet points so they really stand out. I also think it’s always good to add a picture of your products because images are more memorable. And of course, feel free to link to the product too. 

But be prepared, in a lot of cases, the media will want to test your product IRL before they recommend it. This means that you ought to have a few samples ready to send out later. 

3. Mention your affiliate program

You have probably heard that newspapers and magazines are struggling. People used to pay for their morning paper and subscribe to a few of their favorite magazines, and now everyone expects to read the same information online, for free. 

This has caused outlets to look for other revenue streams and one of the biggest winners is affiliate marketing. If you’re not familiar, affiliate programs typically work with a special link that is unique to the publication, leads to your product, and when someone buys from you, the outlet gets a small commission. This has creeped up in the last few years, and believe me, the media wants to make a commission if they can. Some publications won’t even consider products if they aren’t part of an affiliate program. 

So if you sell your products on Amazon or work with another affiliate program, let them know! 

Other questions about getting into gift guides?

Pitching your products for gift guides is totally doable, even if you have no PR experience. But if you have more questions like, 

  • What media outlets can I reach out to?

  • Who do I contact?

  • How do I find their contact information?

  • What products should I put in my pitch?

  • When should I send the email?

  • What should I not put in my pitch?

I have a course ready to answer all of this and more! 

How to Get Your Products in Father's Day Gift Guides

In this 1-hour workshop, you can learn my OPEN Method that I use everyday to get media attention for my clients and get bonus content like a national media contact list too. 

Be sure to check it out!

Rebekah Epstein