3 Ways to Improve Your PR Skills During the Summer Slowdown

In the PR world, summer is a bit slow. Businesses usually save their big launches for the spring and fall, which doesn’t leave much else to do. 

If you’re thinking this means you can spend more time in the water, on vacation, and soaking up that summer sun then you’re totally right! But you can also use this time to brush up on your PR skills too.

When fall comes, things will get crazy busy again. I don’t know about you, but if I spend all summer out of work mode, it’s going to be a lot harder to hit the ground running when it starts back up again. My best advice is to have fun and take a break this summer, but to also work in some time to learn and advance your career. 

You know it’s going to be a lot harder to make time for learning when you have fifty million client emails to answer later on. Take advantage of this extra time while you have it. 

Here are a few resources I recommend you dive into. 

Listen to These Podcasts

Podcasts are such an easy way to absorb information and (as you probably already know) there is a podcast about everything, even PR. I recommend choosing an activity you already do where it’s easy to listen to something and make a habit of bringing your podcasts. This could be something like lounging by the pool, cooking dinner, or walking your dog. 

Online Marketing Made Easy

Amy Porterfield’s podcast, Online Marketing Made Easy, is incredibly motivating because every episode has something you can put into practice right away. She covers topics like growing an email list, launching a product, and growing your business. This podcast is really helpful if you want to learn new ways to grow your own PR business. 

Marketing Over Coffee

There’s marketing theory…and then there’s all the useful marketing tips you learn from casual conversations with your colleagues. But if you’re like me and work for yourself, there’s no quick trips to grab coffee and chat about what’s going on around the office. 

Fortunately, Marketing Over Coffee is there to fill the void. Co-hosts John J. Wall and Christopher S. Penn bring in the industry’s leading experts for laid back and enriching conversations. 

As a publicist, it is so important to stay up to date on the latest marketing tech and strategies. Even if it’s not your specialty, each type of communication is interwoven in the others and this podcast can keep you on top of your game. 

The Strategy Hour

The Boss Project by Emylee Williams and Abagail Pumphrey is a whole community of people who turn a passion into a profitable business. So, when I want inspiration I turn to their podcast, The Strategy Hour. This podcast is all about taking the million ideas that grow out of your passion and organizing it into sustainable business strategies. 

Being Boss

Being Boss is another top-rated podcast for creative entrepreneurs. It’s cohosted by Kathleen Shannon and Emily Thompson. Before Being Boss, each of them had successful businesses of their own, helping other businesses! I feel like since I’m in a position to help other businesses reach their media goals, I can ride this wavelength all day. 

One of the best parts of their podcast is their all-star lineup of guests including Brené Brown, Marie Forleo, Melissa Hartwig of The Whole 30, Jasmine Star, Lisa Congdon, and Ramit Sethi. 

Read These PR Blogs

On days that you’re wanting to read rather than listen, there are plenty of blogs out there about PR. (Psst…you’re reading one now!)

So in addition to the fifteen media blog, here are a few others that have a lot of good information to share. 

PR Couture

If you’re looking for info on Fashion PR, PR Couture is where you need to go. Their blog is exclusively for people in the fashion PR industry and is so well respected, they’ve been called “The Fashion PR Bible.”

Ragan’s PR Daily

This blog is published by a communications company that has been around for five decades. They know their stuff. 

Ragan’s PR Daily covers all news related to PR and helps professionals build their careers and serve their clients. You can expect quality information on everything from social media, media relations, crisis management, marketing, writing, and topical subjects like Covid-19 and racial equality. 


Influence&Co is another company that offers PR services, specializing in thought leaders and content marketing programs. On their blog, they regularly publish articles with helpful information about getting your information out there and you can find stuff about office life as well. 

PR Week

PR Week is a serious, world-wide news source for the industry. This is where you’ll find stories about how the biggest brands are handling (or mishandling) their PR, what new strategies are making waves, and resources to be really good at your job. 

Plan Out Story Ideas for the Rest of the Year

If you don’t have too much on your plate today, tomorrow, or anytime this summer, pull out your planner and start thinking about the future. 

Think about what you will need to pitch for the rest of the year. Are there any fun holidays that are a fit for your client? How far in advance will you need to start reaching out for the holidays. Plan your story ideas and then the days you’re going to work on it. 

When you put in a little extra effort over the summer, you’ll have a little extra time when you need it later on.

Rebekah Epstein