Why Your PR Strategy Should Include Podcasts Interviews

When I start working with a new client, I ask them where they envision their brand. 

Is it in a glossy magazine?

On a high-stakes cable news show?

Living eternally on a popular website?

While these come up a lot, one answer I don’t hear enough is podcasts. 

Podcasts are the 21st Century version of old time radio, but they are more relevant than ever. Here are seven reasons why your PR strategy should include podcast interviews.

1. 88 million Americans listen to podcasts

Podcasting is a huge market. Between smartphones and streaming, podcasts found their way into our pocket and into our lives. 

A lot of people see podcasts as a 2nd-rate form of media where cable news and glossy magazines are legit. But with such a huge audience, podcasts are not to be looked over. 

Plus, there are only so many spots open on cable news and glossy magazines are going digital. Podcasts, on the other hand, are going mainstream. 

2. Big players are getting in the podcast game

Not long ago, podcasts felt like just a creative outlet for hobby enthusiasts. Then some podcasts started to get really talented people on them, and really talented people started producing them. 

Now, a lot of the top podcasts are created by publications like:

  • The New York Times

  • Washington Post

  • LA Times

  • Fox News

  • CNN

...and just about every publication you can think of. 

This means that when you are pitching top publications, you can also pitch their podcast shows. 

3. There’s a niche for everyone

The brilliance of podcasts is that they are super targeted. 

Whatever you are into, no matter how big or small the topic, you can bet that there is a podcast for you. And if there is a podcast for you to listen to, you can also bet that there is a podcast your target market is already listening to. 

If you can land a spot on your target market’s favorite podcast, you’ll get a ton of valuable exposure. 

4. Longform content is rare, and great

If you have the opportunity to interview on TV, you might get 5 minutes, tops.

Podcasts will give you a lot more time. Shorter podcasts are only 10-20 minutes and longer ones can be an hour or more. 

With more time, you can:

  • Get into the details

  • Let the listeners get to know you

  • Be conversational

  • Relax

5. You control the message

When you have so much time to explain yourself on a podcast, you really get to control the message. 

With most other forms of media, the reporter has the final say over what gets printed, not you. But with long form podcast interviews, it all comes down to what you say. 

6. Podcasts guests are industry leaders

Landing a podcast interview catapults you to industry leader status. Landing several podcast interviews will make you a rockstar in your field. 

If you want to level up your brand, podcasts are powerful. 

I know a lot of us suffer from imposter syndrome. If you’re thinking you need to be an industry leader before you can get an interview, you have it backwards. 

Industry leaders are made from media opportunities like this. 

7. It’s easy

Do you know what it takes to land a podcast interview? 

An email.

If you can write an email, you can land a podcast interview. There’s a little nuance and strategy to it, but it’s definitely not rocket science. 

I feel like it’s such an easy addition to any PR strategy, you can’t pass it up. 

In my foundation’s course, I go over how to write that email and for a limited time, you can get my PR Power-Up for Podcasts as a free bonus. 

Rebekah Epstein