5 Traits New Publicists Should Have to Land Their First Job

I can’t imagine what it must feel like to graduate from college during a pandemic. But with graduation around the corner and the class of 2020 entering a potentially difficult job market, I thought I could share a few of the traits your future employer is looking for.

When I was a freshly graduated PR major, I figured I might as well develop my skills while I looked for a job. That ultimately led to me building a business of my own.

Your path may take you to the best PR firms in the country or, like me, on a path that you never could have dreamed of, but no matter what, it’s never too early to start working on each of these skills now. 

Here are five skills every new publicist should have for their first PR job.

1. Real World Know-How

At the end of the day, clients hire a PR firm to get results. This means the PR firm will only hire you if they think you can deliver media placements. If you start your job and already know how to pitch and get media placements, this can be a huge advantage.

While you are job searching, consider what you can do to build up your resume. Assume that everyone applying for the job has a degree in public relations like you, what else can you do to set yourself apart?

That’s one of the reasons I created a crash course where I can teach you my pitching method in about an hour. Then you can take this information to help your own clients or show off your real world know-how in an interview. 

2. An Eagerness to Learn

Again, don’t think that the learning ends when you get your diploma.

No one expects you to know how to do everything, but you have to have an eagerness to learn and ask questions. Truth be told, a lot of season professionals are going to be eager to teach someone their way of PR. 

In an interview, make sure that you can demonstrate that you continue to learn and that you want to learn from them. 

3. Perseverance

PR is a competitive industry; there are a lot of people that want these jobs, so it is important to keep applying and keep trying to find something.

Let me tell you, once you land a job, you are going to have to keep up with this same level of  perseverance. When you reach out to the media and try to get some buzz going for your client, it won’t be easy. You’ll have to persevere through unanswered emails and crickets all the time.

4. Flexibility

Even if you land a job that isn’t your dream job, maybe it’s not the industry you really wanted, it’s still a start. You have to look at everything as a stepping stone to your dream job. 

It helps to have a clear target. If you have a firm target dream job, it makes it easier to look at your current opportunities and make the most of them. For example, maybe you get a job as a social media manager rather than a publicist (which is common). In this case, see if you can collaborate with the company’s publicist to level up their social media. 

Or maybe you get a job as a publicist at a firm that isn’t all about fashion and you really wanted to do fashion. This is still a good opportunity to prove that you can get media attention. 

The point is, don’t get stuck, be flexible and keep stepping up. 

5. Play Up the Experiences You Have

Starting out, you probably don’t have a lot of examples of PR-specific experience. That’s okay. Think back to all the experiences you have had throughout college and shape a story that tells your future boss you have what it takes.

If you were president of your sorority in school, these leadership skills translate nicely to PR. Or maybe you helped organize an event, this can speak to your ability to manage clients and multiple stakeholders.

You have what it takes, so just let them know!

Rebekah Epstein